Hi, havent been on here in yonks but im wondering how you sub guys are getting around the lack of 40mhz radio gear being produced now.
Its like submarines dont matter so you can go without
For my subs which ive yet to finish
i want a NEW 40 mhz set that i know will work and should it go wrong i can get spares or replacements. This doesnt seem possible anymore and eventually the second hand market will dry up because theyll be snapped up by people that NEED them
This whole ghz takeover though beneficial for most seems to have killed off part of a hobby for us.
What happens to people with 1000s of pounds worth of engel subs for example? When their gear packs up or receivers damaged by a leak and theres nothing around. Just shove them in the wheelie bin and watch them be carted off?
I think its ridiculous
Modelling is a dying hobby and it seems its the manufactures helping to kill it off
So what do you guys reaort to? And what would you recommend to someone still trying to get started in subs?