The TX idea is a no go I'm afraid. I need to know there is no possibility of it accidentally operating when I don't need it too. Basics of it are I'm wanting it to work as a lever. Think of a childs seesaw a pivot in the middle. The servo acts on one end via a lever attached to the servo. In the off position the servo is at the lower end holding down the seesaw. Operate the servo and it lifts its lever from the end of the seesaw, allowing that end to rise and the other end to fall. So I'm needing it to soley operate via a switch of some kind, off its down, on its up.
I know I can do this with a motor and end stop switches, my problem is a. the size of the motor involved, b. the lifting/lowering force involved, the gearing in a servo would help in this case, I'm not sure a dc motor (for the small size needed) would have the same sort of torque.