Hi Alex
Thanks for your reply,
I knew I had seen details about the buddy socket ,it has highlighted the problem of isolating the 40mhz side of the unit , that was until subculture has pointed out about removing the tuner board
Hi subculture
Thank you for your post ,fitting a chip is a bit more involved than I want at the moment, but it may happen in the future (I would like an 8 channel set) I have had a look at what wire go where.
The right hand side board with 5 servo reversing and throw adjustment pots has a lot of wires going to the sticks and switch (5th channel ) , that leaves a red ,black and white which connects to the other board/red power led ,
not had chance to test yet but
I'm i right to think that I can use the red which is from the red led as +
Black from the other board -
White from the other board as the signal ? ??
I hope that makes sense
If it's right I will order the hack module and a receiver
Thanks again