When Joining the forum I did not know what I would like to build.
It was mentioned in a fist posting that I should look at the springer tug.
Well It is a start and decided to have a go as my very first model.
Many thanks to Martin ( Admin ) for posting the hull details.
I have started the hull and have the size and shape right.
AS for everything on deck well EEERRR in doors is doing that part
Me I have the hull and motor bits to sort.
Well a total novice i have looked through the forum the best i can and cant find a dummy’s guide.
So the question is What motors size and shaft prop and in fact everything.
Where to buy what to get and then to top it off where does it all go ?
Told you I was a total Novice.
Is there a member that has a guide to this or all the details posted somewhere.
Like this is the motor size where to buy.
Then all the other bits as well. shaft and prop size and everything.
Or a member that has the time to write something like this and post it for others to follow ?
Many thanks