One of my
favourite movies was on last week: "When Eight Bells Toll"
Couldn't watch at the time so I recorded it and watched it a couple of days ago. Now, I know more than half the script of it by heart, but this time I was intrigued and learned from a few internet searches to put curiosity to bed...
- I learned the meaning of "8 bells"
- I learned who Nathalie Deon was, she was stunnng!
- I found "Firecrest" -the yacht which has intrigued me since I first saw the movie -"Tavit" in real life
...So as far as "superyachts" go I personally think the likes of what Berwick put out back in the day were really quite beautiful, not the modern monstrosities punted today. Also glad to see a lot of their "superyachts" of the time" are still going. I spent a lot of time on the website reading it all and the history of the other boats also. A very interesting read for me anyway so I share the link here if you are interested...
http://www.berwickshipyard.com/Hope you enjoy looking through the above weblink. I thought it was very interesting, and a bit surprising for the location I never heard it much before as being a shipbuilding town!