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Author Topic: Walnut strip  (Read 2715 times)


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Walnut strip
« on: December 02, 2016, 11:03:57 pm »

This may seem a silly question but has anyone bought walnut strip and found its colour to very pale ? I bought some recently and it's nearly as pale as pine . I also bought other sizes and they are the normal colour , not all the same shade but a nice walnut colour .
Is this normal when walnut is cut as thin as 0.5mm ?



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Re: Walnut strip
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2016, 01:36:27 am »

Try wetting a sample and putting it against a dark background (light may be bleeding through) as this will show the color it will be when finished.
Walnut also has pale sapwood. You will probably need to dye the wood in this case, to even out the color differences between the sap wood and heart wood strips.
Advice on getting a more even finish in walnut is here

Me personally, I decided to stop trying to match the wood on my models with the wood on the real ship. Why? Because the grain does not scale down. This is one reason why box/lime wood is popular, as it has a very fine grain. Colors can be matched with stains or colored varnishes. Box wood, and softwoods are also less brittle and easier to work with.
But that is just my personal decision.
The only stupid question is the one I didn't ask


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Re: Walnut strip
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2016, 11:22:49 am »

Thanks fit the reply TT l'll wet one and see . I'm not trying to match a specific boat but I was going for that deep walnut colour and was just surprised how light the strip was compared to the other sizes of wood .
It's not going to stop me using it as its just to dear to leave .
I have used lime and other softer woods in the past and was just wanting to try something new and see how it plays out .
The walnut is to be used as a second layer of planking on a Trawler . Hoping to finish with varnish .

Thanks again for the reply .

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