I always regarded the people that had mastered RC Submarines as having some sort of mythical superpower, having conquered the dark art of sinking an rc model, and retrieving it, with a degree of control and direction. The models are stunning, and my wishlist would be nautilus, flying sub (and it would have to fly as well as submerge) stingray, probably in that order, then a large U Boat.
So way down in the list of scale representations, comes my wish for a rc dorsal fin, its as simple as that, it must go left and right, dive, maintaining fin under water, and surface run. I've attempted this many times, and its the one thing that keeps beating me. The last attempt was a model supplier going back a couple of years who marketed a small simple submarine. Unfortunately no evidence of success could be found, and my attempt was also a failure, then Nixie appeared! so lets hope this is more successful.
The last attempt had been in the loft for a few years, so today it was rescued, I have a 40meg tx and rx, receiver, small brushed motor, some micro servos, a selection of pushrods etc, enough to pretty much complete the running gear, only thing missing is a brushed motor esc.
I'm a bit embarrassed posting in this thread, my feeble attempts to join the rc submariner Gods, but when posting a build, it keeps me interested, as I have a very short attention span when building things
If anyone can offer advise along the way, please chip in!
So tonight made a motor mount from some scrap aluminium, laid out the propshaft, and used resin to fill the gaps from my poor wood cutting skills. The propshaft wasn't level, the mount was a few millimetres high, so I enlarged the hope in the stern of the watertight(we hope!) box, and will epoxy a plate on the inside holding the shaft level