Bulkhead fixingAfter completing the latch mounting, plus other woodworking mods before it all gets fixed in position, the next stage was to secure the bulkheads in the hull. The interfacing bulkheads were epoxied in first, flush with the cut edges.
Then I needed to fix the ends of the 25mm tubes into the two double bulkheads, as they need to be just under-proud of the interfacing join. Insert some Araldite into the holes, slide into position, then slide up the O ring on the hull face. That should ensure the outer tubes stay put.
Each of the inner bulkheads were marked out on inside of the the hull, a coat of Araldite applied between the marked lines, then slid into place. Squareness etc checked, and clamps applied. Only 5 mins working time for each operation
Note that the O rings for the other bulkhead tubes are positioned ready for hole sealing for which the half-hull assemblies will each be placed on end. The hull joints will be filleted with Isopon P40, dowel holes filled, and all sealed internally with fibreglass resin.
All coming all along well I think.
BallastingThe outermost pairs of bulkheads will be used for water ballasting, to the same depth as the exterior waterline.
That works out to 9.9 Kg of water, almost spot on what I need.