TubesI now have the stainless steel tubes cut. Six lengths of 475 mm for the outer one inch tubes, plus three lengths of 900 mm for the inner 7/8 inch tubes. In the end the lengths were determined by the barbette positions from the plans. Total weight of tubes 4.27 kg, or 14% of final sailing weight.
BulkheadsNow comes the tricky bit. The bulkheads. Getting these spot on, including aligning all holes for tubes, will be absolutely critical. I need the key inner interfacing bulkheads 18 mm for strength, so I am making four at 9 mm to glue together as pairs. Getting the profiles for these four is straightforward as with the hull cut in half I can copy the profile direct from the cut hull end and make four the same.
Outboard of these will be two 9 mm ply sections for each half, at approx. 238 mm spacing.
See picture of half scale mock up :-
Getting an accurate profile of these outboard bulkheads is the difficulty, as all are different, with the hull tapering slightly and varied inside curves. Luckily the keel face is flat and horizontal over the distance required so that face is the main datum. The edges must not only match the varying profile but with the tube holes exactly aligned and a good fit.
First bulkhead dry-fitted for size, to be copied for the other three inner ones.

When I have figured out how to profile the outer four 9 mm bulkheads I intend clamping all six together to drill the one inch holes. Taking into account the hull narrowing and keeping clear of the secondary armament positions. The two rearmost bulkheads will be 25 mm less in height to suit the lower after main deck.