Several weeks ago whilst sailing the MTB I lost control of the boat where it went into full reverse, full right rudder and finally sank (recoverd some 10days later). I thought at the time that perhaps the batteries had perhaps gone flat, not probable as I run two 9.6v packs together but a possibility. Using the same Tx for my trucks I thought I had a glitch whilst running them one night, but couldn't be sure.
Today at the lake my Club 500 had performed faultlessly, until going to the aid of a stricken yacht, exactly and I mean exactly, the same thing happened.
To be clear, different 1. boat, 2. RX, 3 battery, 4 ESC, 5 lake but same TX, a Spektrum DX6.
Has anyone experienced the same problem like this and is it likely to be the TX, I am unsure as to whatever else it could be?
Any ideas.