You think you have it bad ,no not relay i have the eclipse 7 and yes it is primarily for the 35MHz guys which is what i originally bought it for .
I have managed to convert mine for use with marine firstly by removing the 35MHz module and replacing with a 40MHz one , and the other thing was to remove the return spring from ch2 so both 2 and 3 are now on ratchets .
the main thing is to re write the manual for marine .
ch 1= aileron X
ch 2= elevator X starboard engine
ch 3= throttle* yes and port engine
ch 4= rudder* yes
i hope i got these the right way round 
you can use the vr's for servo switches and to control the speed of radars ,and don't forget you can use the program mixers to ,say slow the motors on the port side when turning to port and visa versa ,just got to work out how to do it :-\ lol.