I have Sailed/Flown on the 459 Mhz band for 11 years, in all that time I have never had to stop enjoying myself because someone else required my frequency.
Never once had a Frequency Peg issued to me.
Sailed at all of the Ellesmere Port Events - - - ALL DAY !! each time, no problems, apart from envious boaters who wondered how I was able to do it !.
The UHF 459 Band is perfectly legal, but is greatly under used, almost to the point of if we dont use it, we may loose it!.
My TX was made by World Engines, to my design, all the switches etc were where I wanted them, they are all "locking switches".
They have to be lifted up slightly to move them, no accidental errors with my switches.
Servo reverse on all 7 channels, built in Mixer and Rates, 7 inch long TX aerial, short RX aerial.
After 11 years of owning this Set, the only one on the market, worthy of a swap, to me is one of the new 2.4Gig sets, UHF again,
and no interferance.