Yes, you size the motor to the prop not the hull. A 555 would do nicely to turn the 30mm prop on a Flower, but you might go up to an 8.4 or 9v pack for best performance.
Can anyone state a logical counter argument to NickelBelter's?
frogman3 et al.
I attach an image of 555 data which can be copied and pasted. The version on sale will be the 55-turn
It doesn't show the power curve which peaks at 50% of the no-load rpm. To get a picture of that:-
goggle motor curvesAn easy to understand graphical comparison can be made with the 600, the drill motors or 385 by referreng voltage and related tabular data, up or down, to equalise peak power on each motor. I suspect the drill motors were overloaded in the last iteration.
£7 infra red tachometer tells you in a second if a motor is overloaded. If the motor is below 50% of no-load rpm, gear down or switch motor or prop.