Forgot to attach the last few
HI Nick well many thanks for the quick reply an the pics are great these will give me quite a lot of usefull info TO STUDY

as ive had to use moddelers licence on my hangar bay as my doors open an shut so ive had to raise the roof a bit to get the seaking in an out through the H-DOORS

as tiger had weesex helo's on her before the seaking an the seakings are taller
so a H-door modiforcation was needed an yes im like you I was a
[size=0.85em] attracted to it as there was so many things that could be made to work an ive just sent off for a sound system for her from components shop anyway thanks for lookin in on the build an the great pics as on some other forums you normally might get an answer about once a month an that's why im on mayhem at least people talk back an forth which to me is what a forum is all about an hope you manage to get your tiger sorted are you goin to do a thread ? as id be following as it would be nice to see her come back to life ATB [/size][/color]
[size=0.85em]STAY SAFE chris[/size][/color]