Today the first set of revised parts for the original drives have arrived.
These include a redesigned larger steering nozzle of 20mm diameter.
A revised bucket to suit that with a better angle of deflection in reverse
A very nice intake grill
A first attempt at the trim tab which we know already is a misunderstanding and the new one is in production already for new orders.
The revised bucket and the trim tabs are also made so that you can choose to operate them left or right handed. likewise the steering arm.
Having studied the parts my first conclusion was that due to the GRP hull being relatively thinner that the original drives were designed for we now have a situation where the distance between the internal and external parts is too great.

Easiest solution is to shim this and as it happens we need something for the Nozzle assembly to screw to from the outside.
So from 2mm styrene I came up with this (ocean works will eventually include the solution)

Out of sequence but this is the goal. The adapter shim has been fixed in place with 5 min resin whilst the drive unit was dry fitted inside to align it accurately.
Then removing the drive unit before it became stuck.
I then pilot drilled all the 8 fixing holes from the outside with an archimedes drill and a 1.5mm bit followed by tapping them 2mm and opening the nozzle housing holes up to 2mm