Well a very interesting post which I suspect will have us all reaching for our computers to find out just what these TX/RX combinations can ACTUALLY do and how difficult they are to operate
I suspect that like most of us I am lost to this world of high tech gizmo jargon and benefits that it can bestow on the user , and like the previous post , I to would have loved the multi gimbal system which appeared to use the old system , whilst I feel happy with the [ in my opinion ] the more secure 2.4 system .
I happened to be at Ron's one day when a pair of dutch lads were using a Fatuba Navel set up which looked brilliant and they seemed to be navigating the towed vessel by tank steering on the tugs twin props , very impressed was I .
I made a few discreet enquiries about the TX but the price made me gasp

........but I would love to see and try a multi gimbal set up , at a sensible price .
The complexity and 16 channels make me gasp on the Firesky but not being familiar with it or the operating restrictions and compatibility with all my hard earned " Action " kit would align with it .
Like all modellers I am permanently adapting my kit but getting to the stage now where the applications to model boats by these custom made TX/RX systems , so will stay put .
As far as my Specktrum 6i's [ yes I have a back up set ] go I also had a gimbal issue which Horizon repaired FOC bless them , and apart from trying to be clever in buying a knock down Specktrum RX which cost me my model in very deep water [ which was covered on my home policy insurance thank god ] thats been my only issue to date .
On that occasion I did a range check on the model having just had my repaired TX back from a service check and all seemed fine , then as the model went away the throttle went full bore and the rudder went hard to port and my £900.00 model was gone in 5M of ink black water
So Replaced it with a better / bigger model and upon receiving the TX back from Horizon along with a complimentary RX FOC. I learnt my lesson the hard way and will never buy " Cheap ? " receivers again , and would advise everyone else to do the same .
Hope this helps others in thinking twice about what to get , and other than going down the route of multiple switcher units in your model all of which I have tried and lay redundant now , I will stay with what I know and trust , thats always
assuming we will get back on our preferred bit of water again I'll stick with my 6 channels