An interesting debate. I bought my first RC Boat, The Al Khubar, 14 years ago just prior to retirement. I needed a decent multi channel Radio Set and bought a Futaba 6EX 2.4 GHz.Quite expensive at the time at £170 but this was around the dawn of 2.4 GHz. It is still going strong after 14 years use which equates to about £12 per year.
The 6EX has six model memories for six different models but as I primarily make tugs and merchantmen I find that I can run several boats off the same memory as they are all of the 'One big battery-One big Motor-One big Prop' variety. The only change to a new memory is if I end up with a different rudder servo that requires me to reverse the servo. So that is two out of the six memories used up, and a third for my twin prop Tug.
I have purchased eight boats over the years from E-Bay and this Forum. Six were part built and two were unstarted kits, so I do not conform to the 'new boy who wants something ready to go' image suggested by Colin and plastic. I took the opportunity to buy a boat I was considering making at a reduced price.
When selling a boat I always offer the motor and electrics, except the receiver, but have a reduced price if they are not required.
Just my way of doing things!!