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Author Topic: 2.4 interferance problems ?????  (Read 2338 times)


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2.4 interferance problems ?????
« on: October 17, 2007, 10:32:32 pm »

Right tricky one here sorry Robert it could be you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right anyone had any interference problems withother members using 2.4 sets,reason I ask all of a sudden two of my Models have gone haywire so to speak.One is a huntsman,it goes off on its own steers as It wishes does it's own thing,the other is a marbelhead at range no probs but within 20feet of where I stand and sorry Robert stands it goes potty and goes in circles.Now having used these 2 last weekend with no probs it has got me thinking do these 2.4 sets cause havoc why cos both models behaved themselves last weekend and at another lake suggestions please,cos me confused


PS not having a go at all at you Robert

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Re: 2.4 interferance problems ?????
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2007, 08:17:36 am »


You haven't stated what type of radio gear that you are using. Is it 27mhz, 40Mhz or 2.4Ghz ?  Also what type of 2.4Ghz set has Robert got ?
As a guide, I am only 1 of 2 members of our club whose using 2.4Ghz at the moment and as far as I'm aware there's been no probs with other boats.
Also I used the set at the Pontins modellers week on the indoor pool every night with quite a few other modellers around at the time with no problems.



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Re: 2.4 interferance problems ?????
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2007, 05:54:56 pm »

I have  Futaba F16 on 40mhz I think thta Robert has  Futaba 2.4 set


Robert Davies

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Re: 2.4 interferance problems ?????
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2007, 02:03:19 am »

PS not having a go at all at you Robert

No... Not really..... ;)

Curious.... The technical evidence would suggest that interference between the two systems is impossible - they operate in such different areas of the radio spectrum and use the said spectrum in such different ways it's actually quite difficult to explain.

The visual evidence would suggest however, that there is more testing yet to do to get to the bottom of this. This doesn't help you Stavros but I have operated in numerous locations in close proximity to a wide variety of other tx/rx systems - including other computer systems such as yours - with no anomalies reported or observed whatsoever.

I'll bring my scanner along when we're at Padarn and see if I/we can get to the bottom of this - If a signal is big enough to cause interference, it's big enough to detect!

I will have to admit my suspicions where pointing at some of 'ye olde transmissione systemes' that some of our illustrious group members utilise..... That, and some of them having the complete inability to use a peg frequency control properly! ;)

<cough>moving on<cough>

I've searched rcgroups and google'd for the last hour or so.... I can't find any instances of Futaba 2.4ghz systems interfering with conventional systems at all.

Just tried something else - My F14 has a shedload of additional switchers fitted which may not be shielded terribly well.... back in 5 mins......


Well... That didn't show any issues either  :-\

We'll get to the bottom of it somehow....



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Re: 2.4 interferance problems ?????
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2007, 07:35:37 am »

what size RX battery are you using ? if you are using a 4.8 volt try it on 6 volts i had a problem with my lifeboat, also did you have the aerial on the TX bent at 90 deg.




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Re: 2.4 interferance problems ?????
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2007, 09:03:45 am »

We have one pond in our area that has three fountains.
there are two points in the pond where you will suddenly lose steering, or have some other issue with the boat.
We figure it has something to do the pumps...  :(


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Re: 2.4 interferance problems ?????
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2007, 11:15:37 am »

  Stavros, at our lake we have a number of members using 2.4 D6 + D7 units with no trouble  UNTIL they reach a halfway point on the lake when they seem to lose? the signal....   This invisible line seems to be happening when the boats line up between two large pylons, one airport ( 7miles away ) and the other is a phone tower
( 2 miles away ) once past this line they recover control .    We can't work it out either.


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Re: 2.4 interferance problems ?????
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 11:51:09 am »


I very much doubt if its your 2.4 ghz set which is a problem. As you know, I use a computerised JR set with a 40mhz module and have had no interference problems when you are there.
But last weekend (when you were not present) my Marblehead intemittently would keep going round in circles just like Stavros'- obviously interference ?

After checking most things electrical and other members frequencies I realised that the rudder had been knocked back slightly and the top edge was occasionally catching on the hull and jamming. Straightened out there were no further problems.

I think that it is often the case that interference is immediately blamed for many problems.  Using my F14 set seemed prone to interference and have very poor range but when I really investigated it was the aerial position on certain boats .

I look forward to being there when you carry out an in depth investigation - I am sure that the problem will turn out to be something different from what has been suggested  ;)


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