This thread has now taken up over 2 pages going over the same thing. I have take some information from the Spectrum web site regards the operating range of there transmitters. The range from air use to surface use is dramatically different.
Air system - In a perfect environment and setup, Air transmitters will get up to 2km. There are many factors, either on model setup or in the environment, that will reduce the maximum range. Our rule of thumb is line of sight, if you can see your model, you should have control. Please see your receiver’s manual for tips on installation for best reception.
Surface system - In a perfect environment and setup, Surface transmitters will get up to 450 meters. There are many factors, either on model setup or in the environment, that will reduce the maximum range. A major factor to consider with Surface models is to consider the ground plane when positioning your antenna. Please see your receiver's manual for tips on installation for best reception.