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Author Topic: T.S.D.Y DUFRESNE Deans Marine  (Read 1116 times)

Dean's Marine

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T.S.D.Y DUFRESNE Deans Marine
« on: June 03, 2021, 10:06:43 am »

 Hi All
A chance to get to the lake post lockdown on a nice bank holiday weekend, 2nd session on the holiday weekend with some models
from our storeroom
Sailing a refurbished 1/24th scale Deans Marine kit T.S.D.Y Dufresne
 Not run for 12 + years and she is still my favourite boat for sea kindling handling and when it gets a bit choppy, a very popular bot around steering competitions, good handling and good looks.
 Still all original gear including Bobs Boards speed controller and all still work after good clean up, grease and oiling  and off to the lake for a test run at the Peterborough area model boat club lake.
 Model is 825mm length beam 203mm twin motors on 6 volts.

Said to be one of the finest pleasure craft ever built in New Zealand.  She is the 65’ twin screw motor yacht Dufresne, designed by Laurent Giles and Partners for Mr Jack Butland of Auckland and built by M C Carter Limited.

Mr Butland has named his boat after the famous Frenchman Marion du Fresne [pronounced du Frain], who came to NZ in 1772 in his ship Marquis de Castries in company with Lt. Crozet commanding the Mascarin.  They spent several months in the Bay of Islands carrying out repairs and du Fresne was the first person to survey the area.  He also attempted to claim New Zealand for France and called it ‘France Australe’ although he knew Captain Cook had already claimed it for Great Britain in 1769. 
History books record different versions of the events leading up to his violent death.  Some say it was revenge for the cruelty of another Frenchman, others that Marion du Fresne and his crew were friendly with the Maoris until they inadvertently desecrated some sacred tribal ground.  However it is a fact that du Fresne and about twenty of this crew were enticed ashore, killed and eaten in the Bay of Islands

 Deans Marine

see her in action on U tube

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