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Author Topic: H M S COSSACK back on the water deans marine  (Read 1103 times)

Dean's Marine

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H M S COSSACK back on the water deans marine
« on: June 08, 2021, 09:01:49 am »

Hi All
At long last I have managed to get one of my favourite ships back in action
Deans Marine H.M.S. Cossack model to 1.96 scale,  1.2mts length 114mm beam.
 R/c with independent control of each motor on 6 volts and rudder.
The model was severely damaged approx 14 years ago when rammed by a idiot with
a fast electric model who through it was fun to race between scale models  ?
 Been in store since then, but now forced myself to do some repairs and get  her back
on the water as she is one of the most elegant ships I feel and a delight to handle.
 now on  u tube for her test run after the repairs, still all original motors, radio and
bobs boards speed controllers, new MinH cells on 6 volts each motor.
 see the mode on test here

 Also on U tube in rough weather film taken approx 25 years ago, taken
 with a camera the size of a small case and copied and copied over the years, so a loss
of sharpness,
 but after the close ups, and the boring bits, see her in action.
  the experts ??  will always tell you that long thin warships are not stable ?

 Hope to catch up with plenty of sailing her from now one,
Sorry for the jumpy pictures aged knees and the new lake she is sailing on
is still under construction so the sides are all big granite stones and
very uneven under foot.
more repaired and rebuilt models to come
  Deans Marine
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