Some trial fitting today to see what can fit inside the hull which when you take in to account the access is less than it looks! So we will need the following SLA batteries:
4x 12v (2 per drive system and 1 per turret firing system)
4x 6v (2 joined to make 12v for smoke generator, 1 for rx and servos, 1 for ballast)
As a rough estimate using the scale converter for weight it equates to approx 23kg or approx 51lb. Currently the hull and the batteries tried so far only come to approx 18kg (39.6lb)! I think we are going to have to get the hull sealed up and see what it really needs to ballast to the waterline as 5kg is a lot of ballast to add!
We have used an average weight of the real Glorious of approx 20,000 imperial tons using the scale converter. If it proves to be true she becomes the second heaviest model we have made!