My picture wouldn't down load for me either - I sent it to Nick by e-mail, maybe he can post the plans! Damn computer!!
I did learn that despite its reputation for being cumbersome the triple mount actually worked quite well and according to Friedman its rate of fire was fully compatible with three single mounts - much depended on crew training. Also despite the barrels being independent they soon learned it was best to fire all three at once, a mini salvo which increased the chance of a hit.
It was dropped not because it was cumbersome or slow firing but because the 4" shell was marginal at stopping a destroyer. The corollary being the 6" which fired a 100 pound shell was found to be too cumbersome to operate in a seaway, so with Hood they tried a 5.5" gun which worked quite well, middle ground.
I have ten open shield 5.5" mounts to contemplate on my Hood model soon!!