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Author Topic: Servo program card  (Read 1488 times)


  • Full Mayhemer
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Servo program card
« on: July 01, 2021, 11:37:14 am »

I've just bought a Kingmax winch servo for my current project.
Due to space constraints and the pull needed, the SWG6114MD seemed to fit the bill.  The advertising claims that it is adjustable for 1-6 turns.  Herein lies the problem.  To do the adjusting, a program card is needed (not actually referenced in the advertising).  This is aside from any tweaking that might be possible with a transmitter that supports end point adjustments.
Out of its packaging, plugged into a standard plain receiver and operated from a plain standard transmitter, under test, you get 1.5 full turns.
As this is inadequate, reprogramming is needed.  Some users have said that theirs gave the regular 3 and a bit turns, which they were happy with.  I would have been happy with that.
Those selling this servo don't list the programmer.  Searching for "Kingmax SWG6114MD program card" turns up plenty of cards for other servos, but not this one.  At one point, there was a link to Kingmax, but this just gave a page saying how wonderful Kingmax think themselves, and the "FAQ" link was entirely related to their other products.
So, does anybody know of the correct programmer to use with this?
"With the right tool, you can break anything" - Garfield


  • Full Mayhemer
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Re: Servo program card
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2021, 09:55:33 pm »

I was advised that the program card to use was called an "SP01", and so went hunting.  The only source thar google would admit to was via Aliexpress.  Duly ordered and got, along with a way of getting to a link to access the appropriate software.  Or "Sorfware" as they insisted on calling it.  Not hugely encouraging, but still.
The top instruction was "Read the instructions".  Fair enough. 
Reading them, the first instruction is to open the file called "Graupner Sorfware" which doesn't exist, so after that, its guesswork.  Guesswork made more guessy by virtue of the screen grabs being populated by Chinese characters, which were difficult to check when using the program since my PC doesn't have that character set.
Having contacted my UK supplier of the servo, I was told that they now have the card, and kindly sent me a .zip of the software.  Or, as it turns out, "Sorfware".  Same program, same duff instructions.  A reply is awaited.
My fear at the moment is that in fumbling about with possibly duff software I may have converted the servo into a paperweight.
A member of my club who had a shufty commented "There is nothing like good instructions, and these are nothing like good instructions."

If anybody has found a way to get one of these things to work. I would be very pleased to know.

"With the right tool, you can break anything" - Garfield
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