A strange thing has happened to the paint on my Winch but not the Bow Roller.
I've used the same brand for each coat and followed the same procedure after each coat, the winch is made from medium Balsa and the Bow roller American White
Oak. The paint is Acrylic.
Each cote was left for well over 24 hours before sanding and painting on both items before re sanding and adding another coat, 4 coats in all went very well.
Today, following another 24 hours plus I noticed tiny bubbles had appeared on part of the winch but not the roller, as the day wore on they increased in numbers and
size. I determined that it must be gas of some sort so I sanded through each coat to find out where the bubbles emanated from, they were present down to the
bare wood. I have removed all of the paint using Gun Wash and starting from scratch but would like some ideas regarding the possible cause so that it won't happen
The photos' show the no bubbles at first, then appearing early this morning, still no problems with the roller.