The basic nature of sets like this is great when complex needs are not there.
The use of switches for servo reversing is ideal for setting up at the pool where a cable and PC are probably not available.
The simple mixing switch is a potential advantage, a possible cause for puzzlement when operated by accident.
I am less certain about the digital trim switches as opposed to the mechanical sliders on similar transmitters, probably just me.
It runs on 4 AA cells, and probably needs 1.5 volt alkalines, rather than 1.2 volt rechargeables, as I don't see a charge jack in the advertising.
The cost of extra receivers is a consideration, as is the compatibility or not with similar ones wearing different badges.
For basic functions, all that is needed is a transmitter that chucks out a signal with the right power at the legal limit, and a sensitive enough receiver to plug the servos into.
Hopefully we'll run into each other at Fairhaven some time now that much of the major disruption due to the sea wall rebuild and the heritage rebuilds are over.