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Author Topic: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...  (Read 64283 times)


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #50 on: February 28, 2022, 04:54:47 pm »

Afternoon All

My method for this build will be similar to my approach for the 1/10 Aquarama in that I'm getting together the parts and intend to build the subsystems before building the hull.  Aim being to work out the hardware fit of these subsystems before cutting too much wood.

Todays delivery is a couple of PAM8610 stereo amplifiers, each will be controlled by an Arduino playing an Aquarama V8 sound file, one system for each motor. Each can drive 2 x 15w speakers, so I'll be adding a 15w speaker and 15w audio exciter.  Aim is to hear one 'motor' start and stabilise, then a pause for the second to start and stabilise.  Then I'm thinking to add a slight timing mismatch between the two systems and hope is that they will then come into and drop out of resonance when under way, in the same way full sized twin V8s do...

On same system, to give an impression of 'cranking' during the start phase, this is a 200rpm 12v motor, I'm going to add an offset mass (brass), secure it firmly to the hull and power it up during the 'startup' sound phase of the sound system...  If I get it right the hull will vibrate as the engine startup sound is active.

That's the plan... 

Best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #51 on: February 28, 2022, 05:25:29 pm »

This looks to be an exciting project, look forward to following your developments.  :-))


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #52 on: March 05, 2022, 06:20:43 pm »

Evening All

Now have the speakers that I plan to use on the build. Each motor will have a conventional 3 inch speaker, plus an Audio Exciter. Similar to but more powerful than in my 1/10 build.

Next job is to get a set connected up to Arduino and amplifier to see what kind of sound is generated.

Regards to all
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #53 on: March 05, 2022, 06:33:04 pm »

Now this looks great.  I was reading about Arduino, looks complex so will follow with interest.  Al the best. Paul


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #54 on: May 05, 2022, 05:38:15 pm »

Afternoon All

I've started the process of scaling up the plans and getting them ready to transfer to ply.  I've created a 1:1 picture of the 1:10 printed plans, then scaled up x2 and converted sections to PDF.  The PDFs can then be printed tiled on A4 paper with crop marks and put back together with tape...  Some of the frames have been edited in photoshop to change the profile a shade, the same chine mod as on my 1:10 build.

For the frames I've just added the chine mods to one side and added a centreline to fold on, to get symmetry.

And that's what will be cut out from the ply.

And here's the keel plan in the build slip...  With the 1:10 Aquarama for scale...  Going to need a bigger bench.

Just had a delivery of 6mm birch ply so will be giving the bandsaw a workout soon...

Best regards to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #55 on: May 11, 2022, 04:00:27 pm »

Afternoon All

Some progress to report.  Had to purchase a new toy to assist with the woodworking ahead...

Not cheap and not large, but seems pretty smooth and has a dust extraction port that seems to work. It has a clamp built in and doesn't need a permanent mount.

The Proxxon bandsaw is doing well with the 6mm ply, but not ideal for interior cuts in frames, or some of the keel cuts too.  So I looked at a scroll saw, decided I'd already spent too much on the sander, so repurposed the jigsaw, spent £5.00 for some new fine blades...

It's working well, helped me with the keel cuts.  Currently 3D printing a dust extraction adapter to finish it off, it's going to see plenty of action I think.

I have the forward half of the keel cut out and will sort the rear half when the dust extraction is running...  Also have the first frame made up, the 1/5 frame against the 1/10 plan for comparison:

And the keel section plus first frame sitting in the build slip, being watched over by the crew of the 1/10, next frames ready to be cut out...

I'll get all the frames ready and correctly dry fitted before anything gets glued.  Also a load of holes to be drilled for running wire and pipes, I didn't drill (holesaw) enough at this stage in the 1/10 build and it's almost impossible later, lesson learnt. Weight saving was a big issue with the 1/10 build, I have a feeling it won't be as critical with the 1/5, but I guess the holes will help anyway.  Target weight for this build is 20 / 25 kg, but I'd rather build light and ballast.  There are a few video's of 1/5 builds on YouTube, they seem too ride high to me.

Best regards to all.

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Capt Podge

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2022, 04:18:30 pm »

You seem to come up with some brilliant ideas for adaptations David - how on earth did you manage to mount your regular jigsaw in that manner?

Like the building slip by the way.



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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #57 on: May 11, 2022, 04:29:55 pm »

Hi Ray

Pleased you like it, my B&D jigsaw has a couple of M6 threads at the front of its base so I used them, I drilled a couple of extra holes at the rear, then bolted them through some 15mm ply, and recessed the heads.  Drilled a hole to the rear of where the blade would be, then used the blade to cut a small path forward, so the ply gives some support to the blade.  The jigsaw can be adjusted for speed, seems to work...  I did find some finer and thinner blades, to help with rounded cuts.

Meant to add, it's then all clamped with G Clamps...  Very securely...  I may end up drilling through my bench to make it extra secure.  Coming loose would not end well.

Best regards
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Capt Podge

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #58 on: May 11, 2022, 04:44:05 pm »

Ah yes, that all makes sense now.
Don't know if I would attempt that myself but, as you say, securing the rig for safety would be paramount.

Thanks for the clarification David.


Capt Podge

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #59 on: May 11, 2022, 04:47:32 pm »

Just took another look at your jigsaw set up - I thought you had mounted it on the wheels of your chair.  {-)   {-)




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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #60 on: May 15, 2022, 04:43:14 pm »

Afternoon All

Getting to grips with scaling up, transferring to ply and cutting out. Bow is coming together.

Making some mods to the internal layout as i go, the Amati 1/10 version has a full cabin layout, this build will not, so building in the speakers to frame 06. I'm thinking of adding tubes to the speakers to get the bass deeper...

06 cut out and dry fit in place.

Other holes are for cables.

Frame 07 being cut out on the jigsaw table.

And frames 05, 06 and 07 in place dry fit on the forward keel section. Those are the Amati part numbers. They're 1st, 2nd and 3rd frames from the bow.

And the 1/10 for scale.

It's quite helpful that the keel is in two parts, at this size it's all a bit more manageable for the time being. When it comes time to bring the keel halves together I think I'll need a bench that I can walk around when working on it.

Best regards to all.
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Mark T

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #61 on: May 15, 2022, 04:54:34 pm »

This is seriously first class work - I don't think scratch building gets better or more innovative than this  :-))

Capt Podge

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #62 on: May 15, 2022, 04:58:19 pm »

Glad you put the size comparison photo on - helps us to visualise what you're up against.



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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #63 on: May 24, 2022, 04:10:04 pm »

Afternoon All

Thanks for the comments Mark and Ray..!  Some more progress to report.

I've been a bit deskbound this past week, but that's allowed me to use the 3D printer, so can't complain...  I've made up some tubes with a flanges to use with the speakers.  It's amazing that the tube can deepen the sound, at least it works with a cardboard tube, so hoping these will work too, they'll not be seen once in place.

This is where they'll go, up in the bow:

More of the frames are ready to cut out, that's 5 of them on a sheet of 1200 x 600 x 6mm ply, and some of the other parts in top left:

The eagle eyed will notice that they're not all symmetrical, at the final cutting stage I'm cutting the modified half first, then folding the template along its centreline to ensure symmetry.  So the 'other' side of the template is just a guide to the approximate shape for the rough initial cut.  The main mods are for the chine, and around the motor / shafts cut outs.

This is the frame 08 template, part the forward section where the hull needs the extra lift and a cleaner water release (in my opinion...) and shows the feint line of the original plan, and the heavier modified line with harder chine.

Also have the stern keel section cut out...  Very exciting..!  And when mated up with the forward section, it gives an idea of the overall size of the beast...  1/10th stern is same place as the 1/5th stern:

Looking forward to taking the 1/10th Aquarama up to the Mayhem Wicksteed event on Saturday, weather looking decent for Saturday at the moment...

Best regards to all.

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #64 on: June 01, 2022, 05:40:22 pm »

Afternoon All

Progress with more of the frames cut out:

Two more frames to be cut out plus the transom. The mods to the chine can be seen, I think this makes it a 'reverse chine' or close to it... Nothing glued yet, I'll need to do some sanding and detailing on the frames, and check for symmetry.

Great long weekend to all.
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2022, 09:03:11 pm »

Evening All

I now have all the frames ready for trimming, including the transom. 30cm ruler for reference...

I've been playing with using the 3D Printer to create the grating in the cabin floor. It's in place in the pic.

Best regards
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #66 on: June 23, 2022, 06:02:07 pm »

Afternoon All

Made some progress getting the motors / ESCs tested and basic radio configuration, also getting my head around using an SBEC for Rx and general 5V power with a third 4S LiPo for powering everything but the motors.  That 4S will be run through the 8A SBEC for 5V and several 12V regulators for other requirements such as amplifiers, pumps, fans. (In the pics below the motors are running on 3S LiPos, eventually they will be on 6S.)

The two motors powered up in the prototype mounts, the foreground mount has cups around the bobbin mounts to prevent too much movement but maintain the isolation of the motors:

They're silky smooth all the way up the rev range, very pleased.

The two FrSky Neuron 80 ESCs connect to the LiPos via XT90 anti spark connectors:

I'm happy with the use of an aluminium case on my 1/10 build to house the ESCs, it combines fans and water cooling certain areas, it'll be same with this build.  I had to retrofit the cooling on the 1/10, it'll be built in this time around from the start.

Rx is same as the 1/10 build, the FrSky R8 Pro, this has 8 channels built in plus telemetry and can extend out to 24 channels using the SBUS:

8A at 5v available from this FrSky SBEC:

I'm using a rudder servo for each rudder, not sure if this is overkill but the rudder blades will be substantial and it will allow some tweaking in the programming as they'll be independent, 2 x 25kg metal geared digital servos:

And just because its on my desk at the same time...  The sound system under development. The rails and PCB clips are 3D printed, a bit of space under the PCBs to allow wires to be (eventually) routed, and allow ventilation.  Once I have the footprint arrived at I'll make a box to mount the system, this will have one or two fans to maintain an airflow.  This will be mounted to the side of the LiPos, on the opposite side of the hull will be a similar 'box' with Rx and other electronics, switches and so on.  Same arrangement / layout as the 1/10 build.  For reference the rails below are 100mm long.

Similar approach to the sound system I made for the 1/10 build...  But there's going to be a separate sound system for each 'engine', so 2 x independent V8 sounds, and they'll start / run 5 seconds apart.  So you hear engine 1 start and run, then engine 2 start and run.  Two Arduino Pro Minis supplying the sounds then two amplifiers that will drive two speakers, and maybe two audio exciters. I've had it running and its working, sounds good to me, a deep rumble...  This stage is getting the parts more integrated, then I'll record the sounds and push it up to YouTube.

I want to get these various systems integrated and boxed ready to install into the hull so I can cut the hull frames for installation before going much further with the hull build.

Best regards to all..!
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Capt Podge

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #67 on: June 23, 2022, 07:28:45 pm »

Hiya David, you're certainly approaching these electrical installations with a lot of practical knowledge and experience. I'll need to read this a few times to understand how these things work.

Anyway, it looks like it's gonna be a winner!




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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #68 on: June 23, 2022, 07:42:18 pm »

Hi Ray

Well, I'm taking it slow and doing a lot of background reading / Googling. It's useful to have the 1/10th build experience and am following it as a blueprint.

Nice set of new LiPos on your build..!
Best regards
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #69 on: June 24, 2022, 12:52:51 am »


Will the void space [in yellow] behind each speaker be a sealed enclosure, or vented via those '20mm?' diameter pairs of drilling highlighted in the red axis?

I found myself just a little lost with post #53 %)  on the 5th of March, between the 3" coned speaker & the additional Exciters?? 

Derek Warner

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2022, 11:09:59 am »

Hi Derek

Here's a clearer view of the current holes...

I envisage the 20mm holes are for routing cables, then there are 30mm holes under the speaker holes. I'd thought that there needs to be some allowance for air to move around behind the speakers, rather than sealed. I think its also a very black art to get it right....  there's a possibility to add an extension pipe to that 30mm hole, the aim being to route the sound from the back of the speaker, and prevent any cancelling of the sound waves by the creation of standing waves. I'll need to test and see what's best as the build progresses.

The exciters will be mounted separately, I need to figure out which flat surface will be suitable.

Aim is for a deep V8 sound...

Very best regards

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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #71 on: June 28, 2022, 07:30:20 pm »

Evening All

First sounds out of the sound system.  Needs a bit of work to finesse but basics are there I think.

Best regards
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #72 on: June 28, 2022, 08:15:34 pm »

That is a very cool sound system, sounds are excellent, are they sampled?
Can you change them via SD card or data upload?


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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #73 on: June 29, 2022, 07:35:21 am »

Hi Carl

The system is based on this

And tweaked a little. It uses two sound files converted from WAVs. These are indeed the startup and running sounds from an Aquarama V8. In this instance kindly shared by forum user C-3PO. The Arduinos have very limited memory and processing power. The Arduinos can be interfaced to a PC for code to be tweaked.

I'll post an update when I have it a lite more refined.

Best regards
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Re: 1/5 Riva Aquarama...
« Reply #74 on: July 30, 2022, 10:32:56 pm »

Progress being made in a couple of areas.

I'm using an SBUS adapter to add 8 additional channels. So now have 16 to play with. Just adds options and expansion going forward on the electronic side.

Started to build the housing for the two ESCs. I'm going belt and braces this time as the 1/10 build had to be modified a few times before it became reliable. So this time its got forced air cooling with heatsinks on the ESCs and fans. Fans will spool up depending on the temperature of the ESCs. I'll be adding extraction vents to get the air circulation in the hull sorted.

And on the base of the housing, the mounting plate will have water passing through to remove additional heat.

These ESCs are very good, but not really meant for marine use. Hence the housing and additional cooling.

Best regards to all.
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