Hi Ray
Thanks for that, it's my attempt to keep the cabling under control. I'm also using braided cable sleeves to keep wires together as they run through the hull.

A bit more progress made. I've moved the Pump relay over as it needs a 12v supply, and added the ports for the MPX connectors.

First test of the 'smoke generator' is successful, in that it didn't do any damage to anything and did generate smoke.

Heavily plagiarised from YouTube examples... At the moment the output can be varied using a DC motor controller, and that works nicely. Aim is to have the on/off on an RC channel, then have the output slaved to throttle. I think the fan can run whenever the sound system is active as the smoke won't be required if the sound system is not 'on', that will maintain an airflow and keep the unit cool. I'd like to 'pulse' the output too, maybe a butterfly arrangement nearer to the exhaust stubs, not sure yet. Top cover is a tight fit, no smoke coming out where it shouldn't. When installed M3 screws keep the fan and lid in place. Unit has a flange to be bulkhead mounted.
This is a low output...

And a bit more...

I'm thinking that a very low output when pulsed, might just look like a V8...
The insides, a length of 4mm fibreglass cord sitting in vegetable glycerine, the glycerine wicks up the cord to the heating element (nichrome wire). The two bolts holding the wire are isolated from the case by silicone tube. Put a voltage across the nichrome an it gets hot enough to vaporise the glycerine producing white smoke. Fan forces air through the unit picking up the smoke on the way.

This seems a lot more controllable than the ultrasonic disc approach... I just couldn't make that reliable or controllable and usually ended up with a puddle of water...
This will have an Arduino controlling the unit and its output, as safety measures I could add a temperature sensor, then shut the unit down if it gets too hot, or limit the time the element is 'on'. Testing it earlier for 5 mins or so on a low setting the case just didn't get hot. More testing required, anyone tried this approach...?
Very best regards to all.