Hi all. After finding time to get back into building I thought I'd use my modelling hobby to benefit my other hobby... Fishing. So obviously, I've started building a bait boat. I know I won't be able to give the best description of what I've done, nor is it the best build in the world, but I hope it can help someone that has a go doing the same.
I had no plans, just a few freehand sketches I drew one evening, and some 4mm ply. This will be my first complete scratch build.
Templates of the ribs were drawn on paper and transferred onto 4mm ply. These were cut out with notches to allow them to meet the keel (one for each hull) which also had notches for the ribs to allow the parts to fit tightly and snuggly together.
Once the skeleton of the hull was complete I began skinning the hull with 1.5mm balsa. The flat parts of the hull were just sheets of the balsa cut to the correct shape and size, glued using D4 wood glue (mainly because it's strong and waterproof), not forget it's held in place with pins until the glue was dry.
For the bow, I cut the balsa into roughly 8mm strips to allow the balsa to follow the shape of the ribs, again plenty of glue and pins were used after the planks had been steamed to make them softer. A few days after the glue had dried the pins were removed and the edges tidied up.
More to follow...