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Author Topic: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)  (Read 15403 times)


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2022, 07:24:43 am »

Hi all,
so, making some jokes about the crew in another forum was to much for them, they simply exploded!  What a Face

I tried to print resine with just a filling grid, but the empty space still stayed full of liquid resin wich didn't harden when having the extra long UV shower (semi transparent resine).
Meanwhile I know that I need holes to let it out but for that crew it was too late. Luckily they were packed separate, except for one, so the damage from the liquid resine was very little (a few window frames).
Maybe there was an extrem high air pressure, who knows why they stayed more than half a year intact.

Anyways, I've already printed them with PLA by now, probably less fine but in 1:20 we'll see once they are painted.

The progress on the Tyne + boathouse is very little due to family business. I've just made a stand extension for presenting the boathouse on a fair. Also usable when water and land have almost the same level (to use a longer slipway for a bigger splash).(see photos at the end)
The 'Spielidee' fair in Rostock is a mixture of show and buy with a creative part, a games part (mostly cardboard games, puzzle event etc) and a model part where we had 4 exhibitors with modelships. I joined the 'IG Modellbau Seenotrettung'  which showed not only german rescue units but also some units from 'all over the world' (depending on who joined, either this or that part of the world).  The RNLI was represented by a 1:16 Tamar and my construct.

The stand extension is mounted quite fast and the left side of the boathouse can be easily removed (here it's mounted on the lower screwholes as it looks better).

One of the other exhibitors had a small pond on the table with a load of 1:200 tugs etc. soooooooooooooooo .... you may guess what followed....
no, not 1:200 but somehow similar in size: The Airfix Severn in 1:72 ... of course as an RC model.
Short time out for the Tyne project and up into something new, totally new, hardly nothing works as for 1:20 and of course almost nothing in stock....  120g alltogether is the goal .... if I manage 130g I will be happy.
I will start the build report for that soon.  And once it's a bit more quiet at hime the Tyne project will go on, events star in april Very Happy
Have fun,

Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #51 on: February 19, 2023, 06:50:21 pm »

Hi all,

after working quite some time on small projects (1/72+1/87), a bit covid, cold and family.... I started to work a bit on the Tyne again.

First I bought a Mersey Kit 1:20 from Manfred Sievers in Hannover (know on who got it delivered last week, so they seem to be in stock at the moment). Mersey, not Tyne??

Well the Tyne followed (meanwhile a second) Merseys at Douglas station, why not prparing the slipway for both. The Mersey has less height (or depth) difference between middel- and site-keels. As the original station I need some setup for a chance, and that should be developed together with the Tyne setup. Therefore the Mersey was bought now.

Nevertheless, Tyne goes on with: damage!  I tried to get another 4600mAh 3S LiFePO4 accu, of the kind I have. Sold out, and it seems that they will not be longer produced. Instead of buying two similar accus of a different company I decided to spent some mone in Headway cells with 10Ah.
Both solution won't fit into the old/first Accu holder, so it had to be 'taken out'. (photo 1)  The Headway cells can be arranged as I like, so mad etwo endcaps to put them on the floor.  This is just from PLA to generate a place holder and go on with other electronics and interior placement. The final version will be printed from PETG.(photo 2)
and for comparison (photo3):
3 headway cells, 3S LiFePO4, 7m2V NiMH racing pack
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #52 on: February 19, 2023, 06:52:56 pm »

so far for the Tyne, fiddling with cables etc.

The boathouse got some wall panels. As the alu profile construct is made for the transportation box and not scale, I made wider planks than the original has. 10mm instead of 6.xmm. It's just easier to produce and probably fit's better to the big profiles. Nevertheless, at the end it will be dark brown and hardly recognizable.

I used a 'mark out' (ger: anreißen) tool for scrathcing the grooves between the planks. (photo 1)
photo2 : looks not bad at allI forgot, it's 1mm plywood. And it looks much better then scratching the grooves into the main plywood (photo 3).
because I worked so accurate before clown  I had to make 4 different sheets. Finally the glue was enough for glueing two of the other side has to wait until I got a new bottle.
Have a nice week,
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2023, 11:32:07 am »

the glue finally arrived and a new brown colour too, after checkoing so many more photos I decided to take 'Schokolade'.(photo 1+2)

so the scratching could hardly be seen. But in different light it's a bit better.

Next I wanted to bild the small 'strorage' + stairs to the 'gangway' asifde the boat. The old Boathouse plans and my special construct don't really work together. Again I tried to guess the right height from all photos I could get. For the stairs I printed 2 mounting helps. All measures showed, that the podest for the winch and the winch itself are a bit too large. The floor also was made of two plywood leftovers. I changed this to a new one pece floor. And for building the small storage room it's better to have the back wall to... so storage room was out and instead front and back parts were done. (photo 3)

Mixture of oldschool and modern model building, window opening and later 3D printed window frames. (photo 4)

Fake 'Trapezblech' - the outside walls are made from structured metall sheets.  (photo 5)

The front is just preliminary, april 19th I'll present this on the Intermodellbau in Dortmund (GER), not enough time toconstruct the folding and moving doors. (photo 6)
The back side. The door already got a bit higher. All measures just guessed from side angle view photos. (photo 7)

a short 'over' view (photo 8 )

The bouthouse is constructed so that I finally can store it on my cabinet (photo 9)

Some color is already on the new parts. Now the Tyne will get some time in parallel.Best regards,

Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #54 on: April 12, 2023, 11:07:15 am »

since the last post I've constantly worked on the boathouse, slipway (only exchanged rolls) and the Tyne. Got a few day's off and every evening at least painted figures. It was and still is an extreme building time, occuping the dining table for most of the days but my wife didn't run away yet. Why all this stress? Next week I'll present the stuff at the Intermodellbau in Dotmund (Germany).
Of course for most of you it's too far but maybe one or the other will show up there, I'll be in Hall 3 with the (IG) Schiffsmodellbau net e.V.
So, please apologize for the lack of building report over the last weeks, even on the german sites it got much less as usual.
I've build a new winch, got a sheet with some measures from the constructor company, the basic winch still is a motor with gear on an aluminum frame. 3D printed parts around. On long term I wish to have a different gear-motor construct and even longer term I want to have a figure that moves it's arm and foot.   The platform and even the floor of the even part are from poplar plywood. No time to echchange the constructs, but even that will be exchanged to better and harder plywood.  Remember the whole construct is made to unscrew major parts which makes it easy to exchange the floor 1 The platform for the office above the winch is done, from the office I have no phot at all. ... and no time to buil the outside. photo 2The smoke unit is inserted, but exhausts are also not ready. On the big fair I'll have some showtimes (I guess) only for sliding down and winching up. If it works and nothing fails, far enough...
You can see, I've made the 'gangway' to reach the boat including the staircase and a small roome, again easy to dismount and still not final. 
The Tyne got corrected tubes in the front keel to fasten the boat on the slipway (they were lousy and not straight). I've made a new sprayrail. The deck has been glued on the hull. Only the little parts at the stern stay open to get easy acces to the exhaust tubes. (I'l use rubber glue to close it for the fair)
photo 3 The 3 headway accu cells got a finished construct around and are fastened in the boat, not even able to move a millimeter when hitting the water after sliding down. Wheelhouse and casulty cabin are both sticking with 4 (2) strong neodym magnets to the hull. Although many details are missing the aft cabin meanwhile got some orange color. OK, plans for the next few days: Front windows! I had massive problems to get some compromise between the plan and photos, but I guess I have a solution now.  If there is time, the side windoiws will be glues also, if not, just transparent tape. Next wednsday I schould be in Dortmund at this time.
Best regards,


Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #55 on: May 03, 2023, 11:18:00 am »

Hi all,Intermodellbau Dortmund (Ger) is over, I had many nice discussions and met a lot of nice chaps. Many of them I just had contact on forum, email or even phone before.  But my personal highlight was Bill from the Isle of Man, who currently is finishing his  .... yes ... Tyne lifeboat, the SIR WILLIAM HILLARY.  I mean, it's Dortmund, hey, I probably exspected someone who visited the Isle of Man but sure no one who even knew the Coxswain of the boat I'm building. A disc with photos from the boathouse is on it's way (via snailmail). Thanks Bill! :-))
I was really enjoying to tell people a bit about the RNLI boathouses and differences to german lifeboats and coasts. Hope that some may recognize that if the go on holiday in RNLI areas and donate a bit.
Nevertheless, I also made a few test launches and the new wich was also working. Overall many things to learn not only the action but also the st up and packing can be modified.
For those who don't have facebook, here is the link to a video of the test launches:

Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2023, 09:47:15 pm »

I had too many side projects this year.
So far there was only little progress in the last few months:
I sprayed the hull, primer and then Molotow Premium.... 3 days for drying....
Next event the boot stood stuck on the slipway no moving alone.   
Added 3mm wide half-round profiles on the keels and again spray color....  +some glide lubricant ... almost too much ;0)
Well, sliding worked but the connector between motor an winch trommel broke again. 2nd time, the new one now is of steel, hope that one will last longer than the other parts (= forever...).

Since then there are not many changes on the boat.  I designed and printed bollards for bow and stern and hopefully will mount (glue) the exhausts in the stern wall on next weekend. No flaps yet but they should come soon.

The last weekends I could enhance the boathouse a bit. Roof rack(s) were printed in PLA to show if the idea of a collapsable roof works. It worked almost, I had to make a few changes and will get them cut from 2mm aluminum this week.  The roof has riffles which can also be seen from inside (Trapezblech in german) so I finally decided to print it, in 28 parts at the end - still printing day by day or better each evening one...

The wall for the small office above the winch has been made, including a window. And in the front part more stands and a plattform have been installed. The small walls at the big gate will later be redone, once the gate and it's mechanism is done (invented/realized).

So far I'm happy (except for the time it took) with the boathouse. As mentioned earlier, it should be a look-a-like not 100% scale Douglas boathouse - I have not enough infos and not enough space.
Still a long way to go ...
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2023, 10:22:32 am »

Hi all,again quite some time passed. At the event following the last post, the winch got stuck. Motor started smoking and I had to winch by hand, right after the first try. 
I've made some priliminary fluorescent lamps for the boathouse. Over the years they had different types (at least partially). I've chosen the 3 lamp size. My size is a mixture of photo measures and real existing lamp types.

Because there are so many (more than 20 I think), I've made my own version in a cheap and fast way (see photo at the end), two half shells and a folded LED strip, that runs with 5V and I can mount several of them in row. At that evernt, the first try with tesafilm sticked lamps worked good enough for me. So I started with preparations to mount them properly. Screwed, so that I can still take them of and probably change the light source if I want.
For all this 'developement' my basic idea of a central frame and all parts somehow mounted with screws is very helpfull, I could just dismount the walls and interior and work with more space.
Ah, I forgot, the winch, the gear motor was replaced and the winch setup partially redone. The winch plattform and the upper part of the slip where also redone more stable and closer to newer photos I found.
Then came the roof. The test cross members (roof carrier) you could already see in the latest post. I got them redone in 2mm aluminum, cut by laser.  The connectors with rivets were 3D printed and sticked to it. In real the metal profiles building the cross members are partially 'angle profiles' - I skipped that idea. Should be just look-a-like and therefore I think it's not bad at all.
Currently I added some wooden beams for the roof, wich has been printed in parts. The idea is to have half the roof mounted and the other half easy to take of for exhibitions. The full roof system can be unfolded? (folded up?) so that I can still take the Tyne out.
The next days I'll mount the lamps and parts of the roof, in a week is another exhibition.
Best regards,Joerg

Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2023, 10:46:42 pm »

To glue the two parts of each roof section I used two leftover roofracks, mounted side by side so that I could fix the printed parts while glueing.
Finally I got 7 roof parts for one half. Maybe not the final parts but good enough for the fair/exhibition in Rostock (Ger).

Parallel the roof beams got some darkening color.
That's how it should look at the end. The mounting of the roof parts happenend the evening before I left to Rostock.
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2023, 10:47:39 pm »

Hi, to get on with the roof mount, I printed a few pieces to strengthen the mounting and give it more rigidity.
in addition now all nuts got some sticky glue
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #60 on: November 21, 2023, 10:48:43 pm »

the lamps under the roof are hanged by chains, I mad en easy holder to glue onto the lampside and mouted the chain with wire to the roof beams.
finally I made soldering connections of all the wires ...
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2023, 10:49:43 pm »

the lamp wires were all mounted with small plugs, these sticked into a socket. So I can always dismount the lamps.

To cover the sockets I just printed a small box.

Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #62 on: November 21, 2023, 10:51:52 pm »

Rostock came closer but I wanted to have a few spots on the boathouse exit.
Used 5mm LEDs which may have a SMDLED inside, no idea but they have a wider angle than usual 5mm LEDs.
at the end they look  not bad, got some more rounds of paint to cover the light from leaving through the walls.
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #63 on: November 21, 2023, 11:00:00 pm »

Hi, so that's the actual looking.

I could mount the spots and the roof the evening before I left. Filling up the car with all my ships in the morning.
photo 1: the boathouse surrounded by various RNLI and former RNLI units.  And a MBD 1:12 Shannon kit....

photo 2: Sorry, but this one had to be, I'll clean the wellies up later
and some more views -- it's all done in a hurry for the exhibition and far from ready.
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #64 on: November 21, 2023, 11:01:36 pm »

well, guess who took the big white one home  %% {-) :police:
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #65 on: December 23, 2023, 10:51:12 pm »

Well, not much on the Tyne or boathouse but some wellie-art:FDm printed, 1/20, 3 different sizes. Painted yellow (no time to order yellow filament), black sole, RNLI with a fine Edding... need to leard to make decals!
First was an 'Adventskranz', 4 lamps, from the 1st to the 4th advent one 'candle' more on light.  Then I thought of an christmas tree out of wellies, there are some examples, either real or graphics. So I built my own for the boathouse and for my cristmas card.

I wish you a nice, calm and harmonic christmas time, peace and a soft glide into the new year. Low stress and hopefully no calls for all people on duty. 
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #66 on: December 25, 2023, 04:28:13 am »

Hi JoJoElbe,
Thank you for always interesting pics, most of which are mass-produced neatly and have made me amazed deeply. !! :-)) :-))
The Christmas related pics of the above are so impressive, sufficient and tidy to represent something warm, holy and pious
of the people on the holy night.  Great artist to represent and affect human feeling and psychology, JoJoElbe !! :-)) :-)) :-))




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Re: Tyne Class 1/20 + slideway and boathouse (Sarik Hobies hull & Plans)
« Reply #67 on: February 13, 2024, 03:28:38 pm »

the wellie xmas tree got me some contact to one of the Douglas crew. Which got me some images of the tank over the boathouse slip exit. In the usual online photos it was hard to guess what that is. Since my visit at Wicklow boathouse I know that it's the diesel tank (storage) for the lifeboats.
A few days stay of my wife at their parents were used to build the tank and the wooden floor around.
The width of the floor boars s a bit too wide, but as it will be a look-a-like built and I sure will fill the space up, it shouldn't matter much.The tank now just covers the spot electrics, later it will cover the gate electronics.
Best regards, Joerg
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more
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