Many years back our club built a large waterline model of the Discovery for the Parks Department for use in a flower display (their display won first prize at the show). I was given the task of making the masts and rigging and had to dye some line. For the black standing rigging I used Dylon dye which gave a good colour and for the running rigging I used Colron wood dye (Jacobean Dark Oak). Just soaked the line in the dye than drained it and run it through a cloth to remove excess liquid, once dried it gave a good colour, it dried to give a lighter colour than the original wood dye.The lines are still showing good colour even though exposed to the weather during the two displays it was in. The model is now in the City Chambers ondisplay in a glass case. (Even though it was just a waterline model it was test sailed on the pond before handover, with bare masts it sailed slowly in a light breeze.)