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Author Topic: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS  (Read 3541 times)


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FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« on: September 11, 2020, 05:53:49 pm »

Hi All

I'm considering a new radio and looking at the FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS TX paired with a Archer R8 PRO ACCESS RX.  Basically to allow more channels, more sophisticated mixing, and maybe be a little more future proof. Just wondered if anyone has this hardware and has any comments..?  At the price these units seem so far ahead of the 'conventional' radios.

I'm currently running a Futaba 6EX and have a twin motor / twin rudder Amati Aquarama in build with lights, sound and vapour so would be good to not be constrained with channels.

Best regards to all.
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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2021, 11:29:09 am »

Morning All

Just wanted to give an update on this, I did proceed with the FrSky system and wanted to add some feedback to anyone else considering something similar.

The short version of this is that the jump in capability over a 'conventional' RC is mind bending, I moved from a Futaba 6EX.  It does require a significant commitment to learn how to configure right from the word go. Out of the box it does pretty much nothing at all and is an expensive doorstop.  I've spent quite a lot of time watching YouTube videos and seeking out details on various forums to get it up and running as I want it. I opted to install OpenTX as the operating system so this involved flashing the TX, the RX and the 'RF Module' with new firmware, then its down to getting the channels configured.  The R8 Pro RX gives 8 conventional channels, and the SBus extension 8 more so its a 16 channel system, at the moment I'm using 8.

The main notion seems to be Input > Mix > Output.  So you can select an Input, a stick or a switch. Then you can mix, with other channels or curves or whatever. Then you select where the Output goes, to a servo, an aux switch, an ESC, or combinations of...  So you can use a stick or switch to control whatever you want.

OpenTX allows use of OpenTX companion, an application which I use on my PC to program the TX, this has a simulator so you can think through settings and test them before sending them to the TX.

Another feature of the FrSky hardware is the telemetry. I've added a pair of FrSky Neuron 40S ESCs to my setup, I see LiPo voltages, ESC temps, motor RPM, signal strength on the TX. Just looking now to add a 'state of charge' indicator for the LiPos:

Very pleased with the system so far and looking forward to getting it all installed in my Aquarama.

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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2021, 06:24:32 pm »

Hi David
I to Have the Taranis but the X9E version.
Did not know they made ESC. Just looked up thoes FrSky Neuron 40S ESCs . Intresting they can work out the RPM. Do you have to tell it what size motor you have ?


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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2021, 07:30:48 pm »

Hi John

I'm liking the Neuron ESCs, like other FrSky hardware you set them up via a PC app, in this case BL_Heli32.  The S series Neurons ship with a USB adapter, this allows customising the ESC.

RPM is base on 'commutations', basically the number of 'pole pairs' in the motor, my motors are 14 pole, so 7 pairs.  As the App is helicopter / drone biased the setting for some reason called 'blades', so I enter 7 and then I'm at shaft RPM:

I'm running two ESCs, so two instances.

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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2021, 12:55:15 am »

What a great setup.  You refer to the 4 channel SBUS extension here... is that the FrSKY SBUS to PWM Decoder unit?
Could you detail what the 10 configured channels are assigned to operate please?



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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2021, 01:00:20 am »

Also meant to ask, which "RF module" are you using with that Taranis QX7S TX ?  There appears to be 3 different 900 MHz RF modules made by FrSKY, and 5 diffenent 2.4 GHz RF Modules from FrSKY.




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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2021, 09:30:28 am »

I bought a Taranis X9D plus 2019 about a year ago for my aircraft. It is possible to do just about any mix, etc. with it, assign switches and stick to ay channel, extensive telemetry - but I found I was using only a few percent of its capabilities. I only flew it once (eyesight is no longer good enough for flying models) but found the array of switches very confusing in the air.

I have been considering using it for some of my boats, as I have several receivers and various telemetry add ons, but haven't got around to it yet. I think that the complications would be less with a slower moving model, especially one you can simply stop in the middle of the pond and check the transmitter - aeroplanes don't do that!

Are the Neuron ESCs reversible? I think I still have a couple of them, the telemetry was very easy to set up, and the tx can show voltage, current, RPM (and altitude!) on the screen, or read them out. They are can also be saved to a log and transferred to a computer at home.
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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2021, 09:58:10 pm »

Evening JP and Dave

Sorry for late response...  JP, I've emailed over some details.  But for other readers, yes the extra 4 channels are gained by using the SBUS to PWM Decoder, I think these units can be daisy chained if required but I haven't tried that.

And you need one of these to configure it:

The RF module I use is the standard 2.4Ghz Internal, no special module.

In terms of channel usage:

One servo for the rudders on ch1, the two ESCs on ch2 and 3, plus two small servos for the ski push pulls on ch5 and 6, otherwise they're just on/off switches for lights, gyro, sound and water pump.

@Dave, I'm using the Neuron 40S ESCs, and using BL_Heli32 on my PC to program them.  Its there that forward / reverse can be set up and so much more.  Let me know if you want me to post more about the setup.

And yes, the built in telemetry is very cool indeed.  Voltage, current, rpm for port and starboard,  ESC temperatures, and ive added the GPS for speed over ground....

I'm really pleased with the options that the FrSky system offers when running a boat, you should try it for sure..!

Happy to post more if its of interest.

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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2021, 12:15:53 am »

if you want to connect more than 4 extra servos to your sbus enabled receiver, i have found that these work quite well:

link to "that web site" for demonstration purposes only, i have no idea where else they are described.


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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2021, 08:08:11 am »

Interesting piece of kit. Are channels assigned by the software shown, or have you tried the FrSky channel changer..?
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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2021, 09:13:44 am »

Thank you, David. I have used the heli 32 software to set up my ESCs, but was doing so for aircraft, so paid no attention to the fwd/reverse option. I can't lay my hands on the ESCs now, so they might have been sold when I was clearing out my electric aircraft odds & ends to go back to glow (but now can't fly anything because of my eyesight).

My model boats mostly use the obvious 2 channels, though I use a third on one to switch lights on and off, and have a Crash Tender awaiting restoration which has a pump for the extinguishers, so that might require an extra couple of channels, but that would still be within the scope of my simple FlySky i6, so I am still considering selling the Taranis & all the receivers I have for it. I spent many hours trying to get to grips with the programming/setting up routines but was still as baffled at the end as I was when I started. I can manage to use my laptop and phone but have no idea of (or interest in) what goes on inside. The Taranis & Open Tx seemed to assume that the user was familiar with some computer programming. I know it is a very versatile system, but I am not convinced I need that level of versatility.
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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2021, 12:20:32 pm »

no longer relevant.
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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2022, 04:35:29 pm »

Afternoon All

Just wanted to give an update on the FrSky system now it's had a few months of use in the Aquarama.  Basically it's working well, not had any real range control issues but have heard the 'low RSSI' warning when the boat is a way out, but the boats pretty small when that happens so I just turn it around...  I suspect this is down to the antennae in the boat being within the hull and even though at 90° to each other and as high as I can make them, they're only 2" above the waterline...

I'm finding the telemetry is very useful, it lets me keep the boat on the water longer as most of the potential problem areas are being monitored and fed back to the Tx. I've set up a couple of alarms that trigger on the Tx if water is detected in the hull, and another if the voltage on the 3S LiPos drops below 10v.  The LiPo voltages are displayed on the Tx screen but looking at that is not always convenient, so I've also added a voltage readout to the the momentary toggle switch, so flicking the switch gives an audible update from the Tx of the actual voltage of the LiPos in the boat.

As has been mentioned on the thread, this kind of system is not for everyone, it's not a case of plug in and go sailing. But if you want to put some time in and explore what can be done with a modern system, push some limits and build a bespoke control system, it's very good.  Well I think it is...  ;-)

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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2022, 11:38:42 pm »

David, I am using the X9E and I really love the system. Regarding the RSSI warning, the factory level is rather high. I adjusted mine and then range tested the system. I found that I had good RSSI levels well past reasonable visual control range, close to 200 yards. My depth perseption at that point is useless :o


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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2022, 04:34:54 pm »


I was not sure whether to post my questions as a new topic or add it to this thread - for now I have chosen the latter.

There is some really interesting discussion here about the Taranis Q X7S and the options it gives for telemetry. Does anyone have experience of the Taranis X9D Plus please? I am looking at the possibility of getting (a second hand) one.

Many thanks


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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2022, 01:13:44 pm »

Peter,I do not have first hand experience with a X9D, but there are many threads available to read about it on line. That said, it is internally similar to the X9E, which I have, and shares many features and capabilities. Both have telemetry capabilities, will bind to multiple receivers, up to 3, giving 24 channel capability, almost unlimited mixing, both share Open TX programming, which after learning the basics, is quite easy and incredibly powerful. Servo end points, slewing speeds, direction and delay are all adjustable on the transmitter. Custom fail safe for each channel. These are extremely capable radios, far more so than most model boaters need, but if auxillary control and custom settings are your thing, then these fit the bill. I will also say thay most computer radios share many of the same capabilities, but Open TX programming, constantly being updated and upgraded is a plus. Do note that FrSky has now gone with it's ownn proprietary programing, which I know nothing of and have no experience with.Hope this helps somewhat.


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Re: FrSky Taranis Q X7S ACCESS
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2022, 02:10:31 pm »

Many thanks for the thoughts and information.

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