OK, here's another one. Found a couple of 'fenders' at 1/10 scale on Thingiverse, the author suggests using them as keyrings. And sure enough if printed in PLA they're pretty rigid and might be fine as keyrings, but could damage a hull if used deployed. I guess they'd be fine in PLA if just used for on deck detailing. However, if printed in flexible TPU filament, they're just like the real thing. (I used Sunlu TPU in white from Amazon)
I've printed up a set at 1/10 and at 1/5:

And the balloon type:

I'll be trimming and adding some blue 'caps' for detailing and will post the results.
I dialled back the infill to ensure flexibility, and found I had to slow down the printing to adapt to TPU filament.
Print Settings for my MP Select Mini using Cura.
Cura 'Normal' 0.175mm profile with these mods:
Infill 15%
Infill pattern Triangles
Head Temp 210°
Bed Temp 60°
Speed 15mm/s
Build Plate Adhesion - Raft
Support - Everywhere
(And I upped the scale in Cura to 195% to get the 1/5 versions, 200% just exceeded the print volume on Z axis.)
The Thingiverse links:
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3314584https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3314598This is my first use of flexible TPU filament. It has interesting properties that I'm sure will see other uses where PLA is just too rigid. Hope this is of interest.
Best regards