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blown switch


hi all,
whilst on the lake today my life boat blew the main switch which is in line after the battery, whist under a good load, another fellow boater tested my system and said i have over 32 amps, as he tested just one side of the two motors, do i need a new switch in excess of 60amp, if so where on earth do i find one...


Martin (Admin):

I read somewhere .... switches have a 'switching load' (Inrush?!)  and a 'continuous current load',
( ... probably read it on here, that where I get all my useful information! )    :-))

In other words, you don't switch everything on at maximum current / load ( speed ).

Probably only need a 10A switching, 60A continuos....|1

You might be easier to a suitable relay to carry the current than a toggle switch. A small low current switch can then be used to energise the relay. Would a car starter solenoid switch work under continuous load as they have to switch high currents?


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