... to be honest it is an individual's choice whether to use satin or matt - as long as it's waterproof and it protects the planks. I have seen models where they have been painted with gloss varnish and paints - I personally think that may be a bit over the top. But, as I have said, it is your own choice. I think maybe a lot of people do use a satin finish on their models. I used to know a friend (who is no longer with us - Peter Mavin - a good lad and a brilliant painter. The way Peter painted a model, especially warships, where the majority of the superstructure hull is grey - he used to mix shades of grey (not 50 shades mind

) and paint his models so that on close inspection, there would be say an area of say 2 or 3 inches of the superstructure painted in one particular shade of grey and right next to it / blended in with it would be a different (slightly darker/slightly lighter grey) and this would give the illusion that at a distance you would think it was one colour, but, obviously the closer you approached the model it was multi shades of grey. This looked like the 'real' warships.
Thank you for the comments on my model of HMS Exeter.