I am now of an age, (just turned three score years and ten), and was brought up on WWII films in B&W. Since retiring I have discovered daytime TV, and they are repeated on Channel 4 in the afternoon. The Cruel Sea always hits the spot, 'The hundred and fifty men, they are the stars of this story. The only heroines are the ships: and the only villain the cruel sea itself'. It captures exactly the Battle of the Atlantic, the desperate early struggles, too few escort vessels, inadequate technology, and then onto final victory.
In Which We Serve was an accurate portrayal of life on a destroyer, not for nothing was the eastern Mediterranean known as the destroyers graveyard, 'Here ends the story of a ship, there will always be other ships and men to sail in them. God bless our ships and all who sail in them'.
Cheers, and a Merry Xmas to all forum members!