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Author Topic: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)  (Read 2146 times)


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Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« on: November 14, 2022, 01:05:35 pm »

Hi all,I needed some time out from my tyne boathouse and slipway project. Too much familiy stuff at the moment.
I saw some 1:200 tugs driving in a table pool on a model fair. So the Severn came back onto my mind.  There are some RC buits online to find and it's not 1:87 and smaller, maybe the limit for my hands.
What do women when the stress level is high (sometimes): shopping .... I can do similar! %% Just no handbags and shoes but ship and electronics.
Unfortunately 1:72 is far away from my usual 1:20 so I had top buy most of the components new.

Nevertheless, the last plasticmodel (besides the semi ready Walter Rose) I've built.... 30something years ago. 

The Airfix box arrived with a lot of details. Reading other built reports, it should have 110gr at the end and also runs well with 129gr. Unfortunately the example of hull, deck and upper part showed about 10g LESS than mine. I have the grey material, the other was white. 
Does anyone have an idea if they really differ?
With scratching, cutting and grinding teh hull I won somehow 5-8g (I gave up checking at the end). As a RC modeler, RC comes first and then come details. But usually not all details can be seen or will be recognized by just 0,1% of the people.

So my idea to win more grams is making the cabin as a insertable part, so in case I want to run full speed, it just can be taken out of the superstructure. Gives another 8g less weight. For display or when only slow motion is needed it can be inside and illuminated.
I plan running the boat in calm waters but as it's together with the 1:20 brothers and sisters the option of putting it into the big water should exist. Therfore I buid some extra parts for having a coaming around the open deck.
Ok, the images:
1+2 grinded hull (this was double, sorry see 8)
3 deck cutout and coaming
4 leftover of the cabin, the back part of the cabin stays dark and empty.
5 open superstructure
6+7 the cabin interior wil be hold by a 0.5mm thick plate of polystyren and a small neodym magnet in the back.
Bowthruster in progress, waiting for material to arrive.Best,Joerg
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more

Dean's Marine

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Re: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2022, 03:22:19 pm »

this is my one on test  see on you tube here regards Ron


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Re: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2022, 03:32:43 pm »

Hi Ron,really nice, haven't seen it before.
Do you have the cabin inside or left out?Best,Joerg
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more

Dean's Marine

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Re: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2022, 03:58:52 pm »

Hi Jorg removed all the inside details for space put tinted glazing in the windows, lot of r c plastic kits on U tube very popular at shows and exhibitions running mine on a single prop in the centre
Regards Ron


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Re: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2022, 09:42:46 pm »

Hi Ron,it looked like one motor, ok. At the end it doesn't matter when it makes a good shape on the water and that it does!!
I'm planning two, following a bit another example.

Anyways, tonight I wanted to make the bow thruster but I had no smaller tube, but a printer. So I started Freecad and measured the motor diameter... read the scale wrong and printed a big one (image 1).
The good thing with printing is that I just needed to change some parameters and wait awhile and I had a fitting part (image 2). The paddle at the end of the motor shaft can be seen on image 3.
I made a short test just with a 1AA baterie directly connected to the motor. First it didn't work, because there was an air bubble still in the motor tube. Tilting the whole thing let the bubble(s) out and it finally worked:
Maybe the tube can be smaller and/or the paddle bigger, still some parameters to play with. But in general the idea works.
Have fun, Joerg
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2022, 09:15:08 pm »

Hi,so I printed one more with a smaller tube for the water stream of the paddle. Unfortunately I forgot to move the tube to the center of the paddle/motor tube. So I hat to print another one. The motor/paddle tube has a slighly smaller diameter in the lower part, so that the motor sticks to it's position and can't slide down. I'll later fasten it with rubberglue or grease. The paddle was also redone, just a slightly bit larger.
The bow thruster has been glued into the hull and with 1,5V (3,7V motor) you can see that it works. In the beginning there are also some bubbles, at the end it's fast enough for me, and there is still 2V left with the final setup.   If I decide to change something, I can easily take out the motor.
Have a nice sunday,Joerg
Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more


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Re: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2023, 12:07:05 pm »

Hi all and happy new year!
OK, still not much progress for a while. Mounting motors and light etc. you have only one chance and corrections may create larger damage, also some modifications need to be done before further building the superstructure. Therefore I decided to build an easy springer tug in 1/72 just for learning....
Well .... you know how it is when creativity takes over.....
A springer tug with one barge, built by hand and 2 printed version as well as a ponton .... crew for tug and Severn....
If there is interest I can write about the tug too.

For the Severn:  There were mainly two options used for the steventube ('Stevenrohr') and shaft, either some shaft bearing (copper or brass tube on the tube ends)  or simply soldering tin with a hole for the shaft.
The tug has a 1.2mm inside opening of the tube with soldered ends, grease inside. For the severn I ordered 1.5mm inside tubes plus end parts of copper. Againg there will be a grease filling tube soldered to both.
Propeller may be printed 3D. Motors will be 7mm 12000rpm micromotors running with 3,2V. 
Coupling will be a ballpoint writer spring with mounting ends of brass (handmade by a friend).

I will finish the tug first (light and radar) hope to have the severn at least running in early april.

Have a nice and healthy 2023.

Actual: Tyne class + boathouse + slipway
My models:  1:20 Motorlifeboat LÜBECK II (DGzRS), 1:20 Motorlifeboat WILMA SIKORSKI (DGzRS 9,5m), 1:10 Beachlifeboat GESINA (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Beachlifeboat MAX CARSTENSEN (DGzRS 7m), 1:20 Lifeboat Ponton + more

Capt Podge

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Re: Servern 1:72 RC (Airfix)
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2023, 12:20:15 pm »

Well .... you know how it is when creativity takes over.....
A springer tug with one barge, built by hand and 2 printed version as well as a ponton .... crew for tug and Severn....
If there is interest I can write about the tug too.

Happy and healthy New Year Joerg!
Ref the springer - yes, definitely interested. Maybe you can start a separate blog for it?
Hope all goes well with both of these projects  :-))

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