Apologies for the late reply gents!
Just bought one of these Gyros on Ebay Dan for AUD$21. Hope to do some bench testing soon, thanks for the tip.
Please let me know how you get on Nige!
Hi Dan
Hope you don't mind me throwing this at you on your thread. This is the same as I fitted into HMS Tiger to control the stabilisers, and your post has promoted me to have a go again.
Question I assume that ail 1 and 2 connect in our case to port and starboard servos to control the stabilisers, but were does the ail link go? Stabilisers at present are linked to the rudders, so will it be that channel, if so does it mean I need an extra channel?
It was a long time ago when I set them up in Tiger.

Hi Bob, again sorry for the delayed reply!
I've not used your gyro before but I'm assuming the aileron link from the RX plugs into AIL and then your two servos plug into the AIL 1 and AIL 2. So you shouldn't need any more channels but you will probably need to set it up on your transmitter too.
Where as the one I'm using only has one aileron output on the gyro so im going to have to find a way to use the one channel for a servo on each stabilizer.
Cheers, Dan