Martin has kindly allowed me space to give a 'heads up' concerning changes to the Model Boats website.
As many of you will be aware, Mortons Publishing bought the Model Boats, Model Flying and Model Engineer/MEW titles from MayTime Media a while back.
The Model Boats and Model Engineer forums were embedded in the MTM software platform and in order to keep them running it has been necessary to replicate the old MTM websites on the Mortons servers. Mortons understandably want the titles brought under its house style and sorfware standards. The websites have therefore been rebuilt in Wordpress and extensions have been used to add the forum functionality.
Because of different database structures, not all the old forum data will be transferred over but all the main essentials are reportedly there. It may take a while to get used tothe new format but there will be a FAQ help facility.
Below is the announcement fron Darren Hendley of Mortons IT department setting out the intended timeline. While the forums are offline I will post any information updates in this thread and endeavour to asnswer any questions.
This week we will be switching the website and forum from its current server and technology to a modern, mobile friendly platform.
The timeline is as follows:
05/10/23 8am BST – Current site to go offline and a holding page put up.
10/10/23 9am – Moderators given access to new site for checking.
12/10/23 10am – New site online – All being well this will happen before this date.
We will post updates here:
Please bookmark that page now before this forum goes offline.
When the new site goes live, you will need to log in with your email address and password. If that doesn't work you can do a password reset.
If you don't have access to the email address on your account here, you should change it before Thursday or you may be locked out.
Thanks for your support and patience.
Darren Hendley