Thank you for the compliments.The ship is indeed usual as from bow to funnel, she is basically a standard Bay class frigate with all armament in place and from funnel to the stem, she is a yacht with accomodation for an admiral and his staff. From the description in the ship's log, it is clear that her crew is trained well in the various weapon systems (the log even states that she was the last Royal Navy frigate to fire Hedgehog anti-submarine mortars in 1964). She also has patrolled the Sarawak and Sabah areas of Malaysia during the Indonesian Confrontation actions to fight insurgents, while my father in law was her commanding officer.
I am indeed happy with the drawings which I obtained (if people are interested in the full size drawings, feel free send me a mail). The drawings are converted to a (2D) CAD drawing in Draftsight, an AutoCAD like program which enables me to turn the drawings into any scale I want. I am now in the process of converting the drawing (I use 1:1 for the conversion) into 1:96. Included are a couple of screen prints of the artwork so far. Basically every line in the original drawing has been traced, only the L-shaped braces, etc, must be added for inclusioon in places where these are visible when the model is finished.
Due to the fact that multiple models can be made from this artwork, I have used layers to denote generic artwork (usable for any model), specific Loch class layers and specific Bay class layers. I do not yet have found any artwork of the HMS Aert herself, so I am still looking for those, but have enough reference material to start working on other parts of the artwork.
In the picture showing the bridge structure, the reasder can see the different setup of the Bay-class and Loch class bridge location.
A funny detail which has been described in the original drawings is that a big part of the bridge structure was made in brass, as it is a non-ferro material and does not influence the conpass. As I intend to make the superstructure from brass, at least for some parts I can use a prototypical material...