Below is a post that appeared on the Gipping Valley Model Boat Club Facebook page from the new organiser of the show.
Notice to all,
WINGS & WHEELS 29th & 30th June 2024
I’m fully aware these been a fair few rumors floating around regarding the Wings & Wheels show, In short some are true and some are not.
First off all I have taken over the show entirely from Sarik / Traplet who have run the show for many years at North Weald Aerodrome.
When applying to hold the show next year (2024) The council basically said no and to find a new venue (My life is too short to explain all of this in detail but it’s been a continuous headache of mine for 5 months)
I’m pleased to announce Wings & Wheels will live another year (Hopefully) at its new venue of STANFORD HALL, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6DH and I hope for it to be the venue of use for all subsequent and future events.
Yes, I’m fully aware that the website hasn’t been updated and these adverts about the show in the Magazine which is all very much on my to do list.
My mission for the show is to show case the hobby and everything within in as much as we can to new and existing audience and for all of us to come together and stand in a field in Leicestershire and fly our toy planes. (Yes I called them toy planes, But I own the airshow so hahaahahahahahaha)
For this I am truly open to all suggestions and improvements and would welcome and invite all members of the public, traders and pilots to come together to showcase and support what we all love and do.
I will be putting together a team of budding volunteers to assist with the show, Being from car parking, Marshalling, Ticket sales and also an open invite to anyone who might wish to help with sponsorship the event (As it costs a fortune)
I’m hoping to have ticket sales and the website sorted out by the end of the year and pilots and trade forms available for booking come early January.
& Lastly a massive thank you to everyone that has helped in my search and quest at all hours of the day and night I truly am thankful for all the help on this quest.
Martin Thompson
Wings & Wheels