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Author Topic: Microzone mc8c setup  (Read 1026 times)


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Microzone mc8c setup
« on: December 19, 2023, 10:17:01 pm »

I have a microzone mc8c tx.Any ideas how to set up twin rxs to run off 1 channel.
If I use a Y lead, only 1 motor spools up when using 1 x 12v battery.
Ideally, I would need to set up 2 rx mixed with the rudder function.
I don't want to use an after market mixer if this can work.

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HMS Invisible

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Re: Microzone mc8c setup
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2023, 12:18:53 am »

I think spell correct has made your acronyms wrong and you meant something like below.
I have a microzone mc8c tx.Any ideas how to set up twin ESCS to run off 1 channel.
If I use a Y lead, only 1 motor spools up when using 1 x 12v battery.
Ideally, I would need to set up 2 ESCS mixed with the rudder function.
I don't want to use an after market mixer if this can work.

If it ever gets to the point where you need to use an on board mixer then I recommend the Turnigy V-tail mixer if you can get hold of one. On board mixing uses one throttle and one rudder instead of the three that I am sure is needed where mixing is done inside transmitter. 

Other respondents with actual experience of openTx and the mc8c and transmitter mixing need to reply. I don't even know if there is an advanced mc8c mixing demo on YouTube or if it is capable of mixing the functions together.

I further think it is possible you have disabled an esc or disabled or an esc's bec that you need to enable for the esc to work properly with your tests. You'd need to clarify or provide more information there.
Close up photos would help enormously.
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Re: Microzone mc8c setup
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2023, 10:33:08 am »

I can't find any reference to the Microzone mc8c on line, the only search result is to this thread.
I helped a chap with a 6 channel Microzone transmitter at the pond side a few weeks ago, he had bought it from Howes (our local model shop) and it was quite basic by current standards.
I use a FlySky FS i6 which I have had for several years, and use a mix in the transmitter programming to give me ahead/astern on the vertical axis of the left stick, and differential motor control on the horizontal axis of the left stick. Rudder is on the horizontal axis of the right stick. I have two models set up like this and both are capable of turning around without moving forward or back after a little practice. Comes in handy for docking at the edge of the pond.
If you don't have a transmitter with mixing capability, then an on-board mixer should achieve the same result.
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Re: Microzone mc8c setup
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2023, 03:28:46 pm »

I think spell correct has made your acronyms wrong and you meant something like below.
If it ever gets to the point where you need to use an on board mixer then I recommend the Turnigy V-tail mixer if you can get hold of one. On board mixing uses one throttle and one rudder instead of the three that I am sure is needed where mixing is done inside transmitter. 

Other respondents with actual experience of openTx and the mc8c and transmitter mixing need to reply. I don't even know if there is an advanced mc8c mixing demo on YouTube or if it is capable of mixing the functions together.

I further think it is possible you have disabled an esc or disabled or an esc's bec that you need to enable for the esc to work properly with your tests. You'd need to clarify or provide more information there.
Close up photos would help enormously.

Hi Mike, I'm using 2 x fr40 escs poeerinf 2 x mfa 850. When I put the 2 escs on a y lead, both come up as green, 1 has red wire removed. As soon as I throttle up, 1 esc goes orange. Low battery error. Now got round this by 2 batteries with the y lead. I think the 2 850s were pulling a little too much voltage off the 12v 7amp battery.
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HMS Invisible

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Re: Microzone mc8c setup
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2023, 04:44:00 pm »

The low battery LED will light if the receiver voltage dips below 4 volts AND it will warn or disable power if the supply from the main battery is below the x3 jumper setting.
Reconnect the red wire.
If you want to disable the bec pull the shorting jumper off the power pins and stow it on any pin to stop it getting lost.
The FR40 is warning of a low receiver voltage because of the missing red connection to receiver.

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