One of the dangers off having wire and digital software controls, every engine movement works correctly for some time then bang the controls do their own thing. The SAL's had wired controls and every now and again the controls do their own thing, because the software controlling the system became corrupt. My friend was driving the Salmaid up through the inner islands of West Scotland and the engine went suddenly from full ahead to full astern for no reason. Myself on the Salmoor twice for a month when on had to use the 360 degree bow thruster to work the vessel for about 4 weeks each time until we could software engineers down to fix it. Remember being told about RFA Blue Rover being brought out of the sea lock into 3 basin, the pilot tried to slow her down and she went faster, they quickly realised the engine control had failed , they stopped engines and quickly ordered the attendant tugs to secure, not before she bumped HMS Triumph up the stern, which parted several of her mooring wires. So these bumps do happen every now and again do to mechanical failure or sftware suddenely having out of the blue software failure.