Well I managed to get a second yacht set up and now I've moved on to a third but I have another query!
Yacht 1 is programme 1, number 2 is 2 so I wanted 3 to be 3, in this case a One Metre yacht (IOM as model name). So I turned on the transmitter and then the receiver and then pushed the bonding button and it flickered away for a second or two then went steady, job done. But when I plugged the sail winch and rudder servo into the receiver the servo movement was completely weird. The winch hardly moved in either direction whereas the rudder moved full range in one direction and wouldn't centre and no matter what I did I couldn't get either to behave normally. I thought it might be a duff receiver but when I selected programme 1 or 2 the receiver behaved perfectly normally so not the receiver. Ultimately I found that programme 10 - out of a total of 15 - would make the servos behave normally so I have 3 yachts set up on programmes 1, 2 and 10 but why can't I get programme 3 or 4 or whatever to behave normally? It must be how they're set up on the transmitter but do you have any idea how I make the damned things behave normally??