Hi Everyone.
Well subject says it all really, I have been wanting to build an RC Sub for many years and have finally decided to do it, Got the STL files from RcSubGuy and set about the very long task of printing it out, the original scale was 1:96 so everything was scaled to 200%, so far the first 4 sections have taken 240 hours to print with another 3 sections to go, probably another 180 hours worth.
Surface finish is not too bad but its going to be covered in fibreglass cloth on the outside and resin (may use cloth too) on the inside to help support the joins and to waterproof the 3d prints.
Control surfaces and propeller have been resin printed for more strength and better surface finish
I have been looking for a 40mhz radio system (want 8+ channels) but they are like hens teeth, I have got a 35mhz (flyboys Frequency) Futaba T9CP but cannot find a reasonably priced 40mhz module for it.
I also have a 14 channel RadioLink 2.4ghz so might just have to limit diving to periscope depth.
Ballast system will be a sealed tank and a gear pump/solenoid to fill and empty it with and emergency blow air tank too.
Im also going to fit an additional trim tank system for on the fly adjustments, just a tank forward and aft with a pump to move water between them.For propulsion i'm looking at a 12v 120w brushed motor as its going to be quite a lump to push along

and sealed gel batteries.
Big advantage of going 1:48 scale is the space inside is huge so the WTC will be at least 150mm dia so loads of room to fit things in.
Will get some pictures of the hull when its finished printing and mocked up.