Thanks for the replies
Klunk - Yes, I'm aware of the brittleness of Superglue. Not very water-resistant either, but usually well protected by paint or something similar
The Puffer will be assembled (possibly this evening) with Epoxy filled with microbaloons, Martin, because of the uneven joints and gaps.
[size=0px]Are you going to put a nutter brushless in it Andrew? [/size][/size]
I am SO hurt that you think that of me [size=0px]
I am not sure at all that it will ever sail, except perhaps in the
bath domestic flotation test facility as the upper works are HEAVY when printed but I might reproduce them in styrene/ply/balsa. There is a shaft tunnel moulded in, parallel to the bottom, and this would limit the diameter of the motor that could be fitted - Don't think there would be room for more than a 385 and maybe not even that
The whole printed boat was to find out what the printer can do, and I just like puffers!