When my grand father taught me how to wood carve with both a sharp pen knife and very sharp chisels i was a day old of 8 years, and he knew what he was doing. He was a Master Cabinet and Master Pattern maker by profession and mentioned in the members of the City and Guilds minutes on a regular basis, and so i had a brilliant teacher.
Sadly by that age he was in his early 80's and was going blind, but would check my standard of carving every half hour or so, and would tell me WITHOUT looking at the model hull, where I needed to carve a little more, or a little less and one day I asked how do you know without looking at my boat.
You can feel the wood with your fingers my lad, and you can feel the bumps and hollows in the model. they are far more sensitive for this than your eyes to see. And he was right!
This afternoon whilst cutting the grp fine covering for the final coating to the hull, i let my fingers rome over the hull and found two small hollows and one high spot that i hadn't fealt before, and so sorted them out.
First job, done, I cut the GRP cloth for when the resin arives next week, hopefully.
And finally up to now I have just been working on the hull, but soon I an going to have to think about the fittings on the model, where they go, and how many needed, and so started looking for the plans, but couldn't find them. Untill I remembered that when i gave the moulds away some years ago, I think the plans went with them..........but not to worry for i had a solution.
I turned to my "lads bibles"......... my four most used books on the design and development of old lifeboats, and I couldnt be without them. There is so much information and sets of plans showing placement of all fittings, and some even have line drawings.
SO I used these to sort out a set of plans for the finishing of the boat. All I have to do now is to sort out the best of those i found in 3 of the four books to my favourite printers, Granthams of Blackpool wjo have digital roller printers that will print to te nearest millimeter, and i will have a full set of 1" to the foot plans,