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Author Topic: Kirklees Model Boat September 8th Open Day Cancelled  (Read 1747 times)


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Kirklees Model Boat September 8th Open Day Cancelled
« on: September 07, 2024, 10:42:19 am »

Good Evening everyone, I feel I must clarify a few things. In July due to bad weather and slippery ground conditions, we unfortunately had to cancel the open day.  This wasn't an easy decision to make. Whilst on the surface it looks to be an easy choice, there are underlying factors to be taken into account such as the safety of club members and members of the public on slippery paths and ground. The protection of club property needs to be taken into account, and while the tents are waterproof up to a point these need to be put away dry, if not they will rot, the last time these got wet the late Keith Hayes took them home and had them hung up in his double garage for a few days to dry,  not to mention all the organising and preparation for this day being wasted and last but not least, club members, visiting clubs, RLNI and traders being inconvenienced.

Now we find ourselves in September, after extra prep work being put in for the Autumn open day it looks like we are to be thwarted by the weather again. After reviewing several weather forecasts, it looks like we are in for heavy rain Saturday night/Sunday morning which will make ground conditions treacherous. This brings us back to the same position as in July. With a little hindsight, a decision has been made in advance to cancel the open day to try and save inconveniencing everyone. We hate to have to do this again, we enjoy these days, but everyone's safety comes first.  It is unrealistic to think that this event can be rescheduled for a later date this year, so all relevant raffle prizes will be held over for forthcoming events.
Many thanks for your understanding in this extreme situation.
Gary Dyson M.I.M.I, Chairman KMBC <:( <:( <:( <:( <:( <:( <:(


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Re: Kirklees Model Boat September 8th Open Day Cancelled
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2024, 03:55:40 pm »

Hi Stan,
     So sorry to here this after all the hard work that you have (once again) put in, I suppose that the mayhem on the M62 would not have helped either. We at Southport had a similar problem with the last Bring and Buy weather but we are fortunate that our event is a lot smaller scale so much easier to manage. Keep smiling we can't control the weather.
       Look forward to seeing you at Blackpool and the wooden boat.
                  Kind Regards,
                         Pete, SMBC  :-)) :-)) :-))
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