The scale threads on the breech-screw/breech were too fine when printed, and took a lot of hand-work to make functional; I also didn't thing they'd work at all if scaled down from the 1:36 scale I built it in. I gave it coarser threads, and printed it again. This time it worked great. The separate "lever" (part with the pawn-shop balls) needed the keeper-pin holed drilled out, and I haven't looked for wire to use as pins yet. I printed the carriage and slide, but gremlins chewed a corner of the slide during the print.
Feeling I was fairly done with this, I went and started the 40# Armstrong BLR. I don't know why. This one went relatively quickly as I could repurpose the breech and breech-screw with a little work. Again, I mainly referenced the gun on Warrior for details, and the measured drawings and 3D sight masses were supplied by Carlo, a 19th century Artillery junkie in Italy. The print had some issues, and I realized I left out some details, like the "tray" on top of the breech to rest the vent-piece on. I fixed the issues and fattened some parts to print better. It's all posted on Thingiverse now.While I'm fixated on Warrior's armament for some reason, she had 110's mounted on 2-truck carriages, and I think 68# shell guns, also on 2-truck carriages, so I guess I should get on doing those as well.