Masterclasses > Whitehills Lifeboat

Whitehills Lifeboat by Gribeauval

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After the decking the first layer of hull planking was applied. On real lifeboats of this period both layers of planking would have been diagonally laid. I have laid the first layer fore and aft as this allows for corrections to the shape to be made when I make cock ups!
The planks were steamed/soaked before gluing and pinning in place.The ends of the hull were not planked as the curves were easier to produce in solid balsa for this lower layer.

The end air box casings were also planked over at this stage and the hull planking completed.

Now the ends were filled with blocks of balsa and when set shaped and sanded to match the rest of the planking.

On the original boats the two layers of planks were separated by a layer of calico cloth. This helped with sealing the hull and still allowed a small degree of lexibility. This I reproduced with a layer of cotton sheeting (don't tell the wife!!) glued onto the planking. Even though it will never be seen again, I know its there, and that's all that matters. ;) When this was dry the outer layer of planks was fitted by steaming/bending and gluing in place.

Planking finished!!


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